Tales of Cairo Wiki

King Tutankhamen is one of the main protagonists in Tales of Cairo. He's also a real pharaoh who lived in ancient Egyptian times.


He was the son of Queen Nefertiti and King Akhenaten. After giving birth to Tutankhamen (originally name Tutanaten), Nefertiti died. Kaede believed that Akhenaten blamed the gods for Nefertiti's death so Akhenaten banished the original gods of Egypt and worshipped a god named Aten. After Akhenaten died, Tutankhamen took the throne at the age of 9. He did such wonderful things like restored the gods and fought outsiders. Very sadly, Tutankhamen passed away. He fell off of his chariot and lost his left kneecap. It got infected and that killed him. Happily, he was welcomed to the afterlife by the gods of Egypt.

Before the journey

Kaede Ennead had fallen in love with Tutankhamen when she was 12 years old. She still has a crush on him. At middle school, she was teased for saying that she fell in love with him. She really didn't expect that and she didn't intend for that to happen at all. She's trying to let him know that she didn't mean to let him get teased. Kaede currently has a shrine for him in her altar.

The journey begins

When Kaede brings offerings to the thicket in the corner of the complex, she sees his spirit. He tells her that she was going on a journey to retrieve his treasures and to save the worlds of Earth, Zalula, Aselia, and Auldrant. She politely accepts the journey and she said that she can't do it alone. He had confidence that she will find someone to help her on her journeys.
